Friday, March 5, 2010

People Come to See this Horse Sh*t?

Unbelievable really. Who buys tickets to this show? Seriously? There is some part of me that kinda wants to say, "well at least she is making money off of someone and has her own little promotional banner." But on the other side (the healthy side), I snicker and shake my head while snapping the photo. With this lack of human selection process, our species stoops to ridiculous levels of sheer disgust. Especially when it comes to "entertainment'. The banner should read: "Horse Show with 'Horse Crap the Sidekick' "

Also, this four legged dope on the left, with what appears to be dolls eyes in the banner, should instead, be right behind me resting in peace in tube form on a warm bun, ready for a helping of condiments I please to top him with. Here you go fella, how about some sauerkraut and caramelized onions on ya while you cool down from that hot grill?

Well, that reminds me, time to go try the Reindeer bratwurst.



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